Saturday, December 28, 2019

Can You Cool a Room by Opening the Refrigerator

Can you cool a room by opening the refrigerator? It might be tempting to open the refrigerator door to cool off when its hot, but will it really help? The answer depends on a few different factors relating to your refrigerator. Use an Air Conditioner You can fan yourself with the door to cool yourself down, but you cant actually lower the temperature of the room. This is because refrigeration is not a perfectly efficient process. More heat enters the room through the exhaust vent than is extracted from the inside of the refrigerator. Now, if youre desperate to cool a room with the refrigerator, you can... but only if the refrigerator is off and youre using the chilled contents already inside the box, sort of like a giant ice cube. Alternatively, you can use a refrigerator to cool a room if the heat vents for the fridge are in a different room.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Role of Employees in the Success of Ozzie Construction Company Case Study

Essays on The Role of Employees in the Success of Ozzie Construction Company Case Study The paper â€Å"The Role of Employees in the Success of Ozzie Construction Company† is a  fascinating variant of case study on human resources. This report explores the solutions to challenges facing the employees in their workplaces. It also summarizes the fact that employees are the main pillars in the company because they are one interacting with customers on a daily basis. It is vital to train employees on various issues such as customer care ethics and personal development. Such skills will benefit the company indirectly because it will discourage bullying and sexual harassment and promote the well-being of the employees.Companies are exposed to various potential risks when it comes to health and safety. It is the duty of the top management of every company to ensure that they protect their employees and the general public from the dangers of health and safety risks. Some of the risks that are exposed to the companies are as follows:InjuriesAccident riskStress andFire r isksLocke (2012) argues that safety is an essential investment that we can make. Managers should ask themselves what it saves and not what it costs. The law governing the business and companies requires employers to ensure the safety of the employees and the general public. This report will analyze various solutions that are designed by the human resource department for the well-being of the employees.Employee health and safetyTo ensure smooth functioning in an Ozzie Construction Company, it is essential for the managers to ensure safety for the employees. Top management of any organization should know that employees are the principal factors that determine the success of achieving goals and objectives. Health is a broad subject that can affect employees in different dimensions. Employers need to ensure that employees are protected from physical, emotional and mental well-being.Safety is an act of ensuring that employees are physically safe in the workplace. As a human resource mana ger of Ozzie Construction Company, I proposed that the safety of the employees and the entire company can be achieved by installing healthy and safety programs. This will ensure that all forms of illness and injuries are minimized. In addition, these health programs can help employers and workers to know the dangers that are exposed to in the workplace on a daily basis (Einarsen et al, 2010)The effective way of protecting the employees and the entire parties who are transacting different businesses in the company is through the assessment of risk that is exposed to the company. I can, therefore, propose to the CEO of the company to arrange for the team who are going to assess systematically any hazards to the employees and the general public. The assessment will help to identify the possible factors that are likely to affect the staff and other members visiting the company. The effecting risk assessment process comprises of the following issues;Identification of the possible hazards in the companyIdentifying individuals who are exposed to riskAssessing the risk and deciding whether the install precaution is adequateAnalyzing the findingsImplementing the necessary action if the precaution is inadequateIt is also essential to ensure that safety equipment is made available in the company. The company needs to have first aid kits that will be used in case of small accidents. There should be firefighting equipment to be used in case of fire break out. These are basic equipment that needs to be installed in strategic corners; in the company. The CEO can also consider establishing emergency doors to be used in case of an appropriate emergency. Finally, the employers need to ensure the company and the possible risk so that in case of an accident the victims can be compensated.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Managing Risks of a Firm

Question: Discuss about the Managing Risks of a Firm. Answer: Introduction Risk includes the possibility of difference on an actual return on investment from the actual investment made. There is a great possibility of losing out full or partial of the original investment that is made. The extent of risk can be measured by scheming the usual deviation of the regular returns of a specific investment. Risk management is the system of understanding the risk that the organization has to face in order to achieve its common goal or objectives. There are different types of risks such as operational, fiscal, and informational and human resources risks. In the operational risk, factors that arise from the structure, systems, products or processes can be classified in this group. Risks can also arise in a particular country where there is political, economical or regulatory bodies instability. There are environmental risks as well which includes socio-cultural, environmental and officially authorized changes (Barrientos et al. 2013). In order to save one from the risks that arise due to many reasons some guidelines needs to be followed. Firstly informational security, where the employees of the organization openly blurt about their companys information. This gives a chance to the rival companies to come to know about the organizational structure that particular company follows (Delaney and Haworth 2016). The IT department of the companies needs to follows these guidelines especially. Another factor which involves great risk is the weather and change in climate, due to adverse effects of global warming climate changes are taking place all over the world. The amount of rain or sunshine that a country used to experience previously are now getting altered and many perishable products are being manufactured are exposed to high risk. The companies are always on the constant lookout to keep a check on this risk as if it goes unseen then lots of financial damage will be done to the company (Thatcher, Martin and Petrovski 2014). Another factor is the instability that a country faces due to the change in government and the policies. The supplies may be stopped as the policy might decide that the product is harmful and should cease to exist whatever the end result may be. All countries are now at the mercy of the political upheaval that is taking place and all organizations are getting prepared to face this challenge (Neves et al. 2014). Risk may also arise from the third parties where the parties want to gain an upper hand by means of getting hold of the information and their data, which involves the company in some key projects (Cagliano, Grimaldi and Rafele 2015). Another risk is the strategic planning of the employees where the organization needs to employ skilled workforce instead of hiring untalented workforce who delay the production output unnecessarily. The later the product is introduced in the market, the lesser the company thrives in the market because of the stiff competition (Bowers and Khorakian 2014). One of the greatest risks in todays world is the use of online market commonly called digital marketing. However, it helps a lot but slight mistakes in updating the company profile and the products will lead to a foremost reputational damage and hamper the brand image as well (Rutsaert et al. 2013). In order to minimize the risk, certain rules need to be followed as in how to identify the risk, describing the type of risk and then eliminating the entire risk. To identify the type of risk, organizations should conduct workshops on risk, where research methodology such as interviews and surveys needs to be conducted and through the cause and effect analysis the risk needs to be identified properly in the first place. Then the risk has to be described by displaying it in a structured format through an assessment that will describe the risk. Finally, in order to eliminate the risk, the risk needs to be estimated that is it a quantitative or qualitative type of risk. The impact of that risk can be calculated by different methods. The methods that an organization can use are SWOT or PEST analysis, risk mapping or by using the risk benefit analysis (Glendon, Clarke and McKenna 2016). To understand the management of risk in a better way, an organization has been taken into account. One of the largest dairy farms of Australia, Fonterra uses good methods in handling their risks. Due to their perishable products, the risks involved are very high and needs to be properly evaluated. Fonterra has an assessment team that is expert in handling their product risk. The team also offers preventive and crisis management which is very well known amongst the other dairy farms in Australia. They are one of the largest exporters of dairy farming in the world reaching to around 140 countries, so they very well understand how to manage their risk in the product when they get to know about it because they of the trust and confidence the consumer has on them in delivering the right product to them. In order to reduce their risk in product management they have a unique solution to their packaging. The packaging is passed through various chemical plants and pathogen management processe s so that there is no contamination, which can increase the bacterial content in the product thus making it stale. The design of the building is also sanitized in a proper manner so that there is no bacterial growth in and around their organization. The crisis management team is also very efficient in the organization who if in a case of risk, identifies the risk immediately and plans the strategies how to overcome it. Then the preventive measures are communicated to the employees so that the risk can be mitigated (, 2016). Fonterra also has a quality assurance team who checks the product outcomes thoroughly. The team ensures that the product is up to the mark, the quality of the source that is the milk is inspected carefully before sending it to the line of production. The milk comes from sixteen different countries where Fonterra has helped in installing the plants thus keepinh a track on the quality, the recent one being in Sri Lanka known as the Hanwella Chilling Centre. In 2013 the plant began to operate where the chilling of milk was of high quality. These programs help the organization to procure the products in a systematic manner and ensure that the product that comes through third parties also works in an organized manner (, 2016). The price risk management team is constantly monitoring the price of milk, which changes due to a slight change in the demand and supply or due to bad weather, which may cause the milk to be of sub standard quality (, 2016). The team manages the unstable costs tactfully and procures the milk at a rate which will keep their price of the product same without compromising their margin of profit. The team almost accurately forecasts how the changes can affect the prices of the milk and manage their inflow of cash accordingly (, 2016). In August, Fonterra was suspected that almost thirty eight tones of protein was contaminated with what was known as botulism causing bacteria in New Zealand, by the French company Danone, another well known dairy farm. The Paris based company made this accusation against Fonterra because they had to take back their baby food product, Nutricia that was available in the market due to this botulism bacteria problem. The issue was later found out to be falsified. The French company said that the compensation amount due to the damage caused to Fonterra was to decided in the trial that will be held in a High Court in Auckland but the company hinted that that there was some serious damage in their ongoing business due to the compensation. The financial year of the French company in 2013 saw a loss in their business that was estimated to $300 million, which gives a hint that the compensation proved to be dear to them. Due to this legal battle, the sales of Fonterra dropped in the Asian marke t especially in China because the Chinese people were made to think by the media that they cannot trust the brand as they were completely confused with the bacterial scare that was prevailing in the market (The New Zealand Herald, 2016). The essay helped in understanding that what kinds of risks can an organization be exposed. It is not always the financial risks but also other risks, which includes operational risk, legal risks and reputational risks as well. It also deals with how any organization can reduce their risks through the risk management process, Fonterra being in this case. There is no one rule that can be implied in all the organization. The risks changes with the change in the industry. The complexity, the competitiveness in that industry and also the environmental hazard all constitute as part of risks. The individual risks also should be looked into so that it does not turn out to be a big one in the future and should be immediately mitigated for the smooth functioning of the organization. The small risks if not looked into, can in the long run be aggregated into a very big financial or a non-financial loss in the organization. The right to make decisions in an organization should always be done with utmost care and over a period of time so that the company does not face any problems relating to the change in the future. Reference List Australia, D., 2014. Australian Dairy Industry.Dairy Australia. Available online: www. dairyaustralia. com. au/Industry-information/About-the-industry. aspx. Barrientos, A.K., Chapinal, N., Weary, D.M., Galo, E. and Von Keyserlingk, M.A.G., 2013. Herd-level risk factors for hock injuries in freestall-housed dairy cows in the northeastern United States and California.Journal of dairy science,96(6), pp.3758-3765. Bowers, J. and Khorakian, A., 2014. Integrating risk management in the innovation project.European Journal of Innovation Management,17(1), pp.25-40. Cagliano, A.C., Grimaldi, S. and Rafele, C., 2015. Choosing project risk management techniques. A theoretical framework.Journal of Risk Research,18(2), pp.232-248. Delaney, H. and Haworth, N., 2016. Partnership in Practice in New Zealand: Improving Productivity in Fonterras Whareroa Site. InDeveloping Positive Employment Relations(pp. 305-325). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Douphrate, D.I., Hagevoort, G.R., Nonnenmann, M.W., Lunner Kolstrup, C., Reynolds, S.J., Jakob, M. and Kinsel, M., 2013. The dairy industry: A brief description of production practices, trends, and farm characteristics around the world.Journal of agromedicine,18(3), pp.187-197. (2016). Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Dec. 2016]. (2016). Fonterra - Price Risk Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Dec. 2016]. (2016). Fonterra - Quality Food Safety. 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A study of subclinical mastitis in two herds, one managed organically, the other conventionally, and the effect of different management strategies.Organic Agriculture,4(4), pp.313-317. The New Zealand Herald. (2016). Fonterra legal scrap risk to NZ: expert - Business - NZ Herald News.[online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Dec. 2016].

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Romeo And Juliet Essay Who Is To Blame Example For Students

Romeo And Juliet Essay Who Is To Blame The purpose of this assignment is to write a set of directors notes for the characters in act one scene V. These are Romeo, Juliet, Tybalt and lord Capulet. I will explain and explore the characters and their relationships with other characters in the scene. Also what effects their actions in the scene have on the rest of the play. In this scene the character Romeo appears to have a very defying and cheeky attitude as he is in the heart of his sworn enemies. He is enjoying himself as much as everyone else at the expense of his enemies. He seems very relaxed and calm, mingling with other guests. When Romeo lays his eyes on Juliet he almost becomes stunned like he is in a trance. The language he uses while describing Juliet is very romantic and shows deep emotion felt for her. I would make the actor be very light footed and cheerful. Almost prancing around. When he sees Juliet he must always keep staring at her and he must follow her around the hall weaving in and out of people very smoothly and without a break in his stare. In this scene Juliet seems to not be excited like everyone else about the ball altogether. She confides in her room until wandering out onto the balcony, looking very bored and sad. I would ask the actor to walk slowly but very elegantly onto the balcony. She seems to change her moods when she sees Romeo. She like Romeo seems to be in a trance and must keep her stare with Romeo. As soon as she sees Romeo she has a rush of feelings and so the actor must change to fit these feelings. For instance she should start to walk faster maybe craning her neck to see Romeo. Tybalt plays a large part in this scene. Instead of adding love and harmony to the scene he brings anger and violence. Before he hears of Romeo being at the ball he is very calm and is just like any other guest. As soon as he is informed that Romeo is at the ball he is overcome with anger. The actor would have to change his facial expression and posture here. He has nothing but hate for Romeo and the Montagues altogether. He cannot hold back his feelings and is only stopped from a confrontation by Lord Capulet. The actor must over egaterate his anger by pacing furiously and cussing a lot. The host of the great ball is Lord Capulet who is the head of the Capulet family. He is also the uncle of Tybalt and the father of Juliet. He is mingling with all of the guests calmly encouraging dancing and also wants Juliet to fraternise with Paris who he would like to be her husband. In theory he would be really angry if he discovered that Romeo was at his ball but this is not the case. He finds out from Tybalt that Romeo is there but is not angry but seems not to be to worried. He trys to calm Tybalt down and reason with him. Lord Capulet does not see any harm in Romeo being there. The actor must try and be very reasoning but still trying to show his power over Tybalt by also using his posture and tone of voice.