Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Advantages and Disadvantages of Assistive Technologies for students Research Paper

Advantages and Disadvantages of Assistive Technologies for students with Learning disabilities - Research Paper Example In essence, reading, listening, speech, algebra, and reasoning are the prime areas in which learning disabilities tend to affect on children. Moreover, students with learning disabilities or disorders have a higher potential of succeeding as long as the teaching technique used on them is different from that used on average kids. Ideally, there is no medical symptom that may show that a child has learning disabilities, but this does not mean that the condition is non existent. Learning disabilities are not curable, but the use of certain application tools may be helpful in ensuring that a child with this disability works out the learning challenges that they may have. On the contrary, these tools are technology aides that assist a child to organize, write, spell among a list of other daily activities with ease and they may be complex or common devices. With this, this essay will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of using assistive technologies for students with learning disa bilities. Features of assistive technologies for learning Ideally, assistive technology is a term that describes the family of rehabilitative, aiding, and adaptive technology applying devices made for people living with learning disabilities. ... The advancement in technology has led to the development of equipments that have proved effective for the disabled with any form of shortcomings. For those with learning disabilities, assistive technology products include screen readers and voice recognition devices, which mainly target those with indisputable communication challenges, learning, hearing, and arithmetic needs. Ideally, people have different ways of accessing and communicating in which assistive technologies can be effective using joysticks, touch screens, software, and switches that may be essential for them to accomplish tasks. These tools act as aides to students with learning disabilities through these devices in order for them to keep up with the other normal children. Advantages of Assistive Technologies for students with Learning disabilities As stated above, Assistive Technology is any equipment that when used improves, maintains, or increases the performance capabilities for people with disabilities. The first advantage of using Assistive Technology is that it supports an individual’s strengths hence suppressing the effects that disabilities may bring by. The other advantage is that these technologies give individuals with disabilities alternative ways of performing the required tasks using these technologies, which makes the task execution to be maneuverable. For instance, people that have unreadable handwriting may use word processors to help them improve on this skill, which in turn helps them produce documents are readable and appealing to their eyes of a reader. Other than writing, Assistive Technology (AT) can also be helpful in building their self-esteem as it gives an avenue for the improvement on their written expressions such as spelling and

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Is racism ancient history in our days Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Is racism ancient history in our days - Essay Example Thesis At the beginning of the 21st century, racism is a major social problem affected modern American society which takes its roots in ancient history of the nation. The American nation is especially heterogeneous in terms of religion, nationality, ethnicity, class language, and, of course, race. But prevailing American values emphasize the values of equality of opportunity, fair play, and individualism. While there is some evidence to justify current attitudes, in fact there is better evidence to suggest that race relations in America are still a major source of stress and social tension (Wachtel 23). Another black perspective argues that race in America has become less salient than class. This assessment, if true, would suggest that black-white relations are much better than they have ever been before in America. Race is another factor which influences the distribution of economic and social resources in America. It is important to note that recent years the understanding of race has been changed, because as a collective sentiment, race needs to be upheld and reaffirmed. Modern theories of race suggest that concept of race is more a cultural p henomenon than a economic one. Community of culture and unity of meaning are the main sources that allow the construction and experience of race (Wachtel 78) In modern society, racism complements, but it does not replace, individual prejudice and discrimination. J. Strausbaugh in Black like You: Black Face, White Face indicates that institutional racism is much more widespread than individual racism. Yet, most educational programs against racism are aimed almost exclusively against individual racism. Following Strausbaugh "disrespectful stereotypes are acceptable from people who looks like you, but it is racism when a member of another race finds humor in it" (12). In modern society, racism can exist to some degree regardless of what else is going on in society. Institutional racism, however, cannot thrive without constant replenishment of new personnel who are able to accept the human cost of racist policies without challenging their legitimacy. People who are victimized by racism may combat it most readily by organizing and changing public policies. Altering public policies solely by changing personal opinions of racists is a hopeless, endless endeavor. To a significant extent, racism bears a relationship to sexism, antisemitism, and extreme nationalism. The essence of modern racism is violations of equal human worth which are involved in racism as well as in sexism, anti-semitism, and extreme nationalism. Today, racial prejudices and ideologies rationalize widespread white discrimination against people of color (Strausbaugh 82). This view of a white-dominated America is not popular among most white analysts and commentators in the twenty-first century. More popular is the belief that African Americans and other people of color have made great progress, so much so that white racism is no longer a major barrier in most of their lives. Indeed, few whites are aware of how important racism is to their own feelings, beliefs, thinking, and actions (Thernstrom 20). The extensive use of litigation and legislation in American racial affairs determines the salience of the law. Leading personalities, landmark court rulings and laws, the heritage of legalized segregation and discrimination, bias in the administration of justice and contemporary